“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men”
- Frederick Douglas
LeaderUP aims to bridge the gaps in communities. By seeking to engage, identify, empower, and launch indigenous leaders.
Founder/Executive Director - Marcus Bell Sr.
Developing leaders is not an idea or a vision for Marcus but rather a 30-year passion that has resulted in hundreds of indigenous leaders impacting the world tremendously. Through his work at Urban Promise, he’s witnessed the power of caring adults in the lives of children and teens. Bring hope and lasting change to teens and emerging adults. Although times change, the need to feel loved, valued, and acknowledged doesn’t.
Over the past decade, Marcus began to envision LeaderUP, and its commitment from the fruit of the past 30 years, to engage, identify, develop, and launch indigenous leaders who would not only be the “boots on the ground” but the foundation. To intentionally build a community of leaders that would be the next-gen leaders who become the successor. Seeking a full cultural representation in all disciplines creates a beautiful community where LeaderUP serves. With that mindset, LeaderUP is committed to diversity, from the Board of Directors to the full-time staff. LeaderUP seeks to be a vehicle reflective of a God who created diversity and desires leaders to reflect His design.