“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men”

- Frederick Douglas

The Impact of Your Gift

Summer Camp

Last summer, 25 students aged 14-18 were trained for first-time jobs. Fellowship Community Church in Collingswood is where Nex-gen leaders receive training on life skills and leadership development and learn about the summer program curriculum.

The Block Party

Last summer, LeaderUP held 18 block party events over six weeks. These events were hosted in 3 communities in the Camden area with two local churches and volunteer groups. Amongst those helping were 16 local teens, many in their first paid job, one college intern, and returning alums. Each block party consisted of music, games, more than we could count, burgers and dogs, cotton candy, a dozen carnival games with 250 prizes and candy won each week, and one epic water slide!

Growing Connections

Over 450 kids and adults attended block parties each week, leading to fantastic opportunities for engaging them in our fall/winter leadership MeetUP’s. We have followed up with 15 families to help connect them to local churches, community partnering services, and jobs.

Here is the most exciting part of what’s happening! Summer camp 2023 is coming. Open to 1st -6th-grade students in Collingswood Boro, and Camden. Students will have a fun time with summer enrichment activities from our loving and caring adult staff and teens

LeaderUP aims to bridge the gaps in communities. By seeking to engage, identify, empower, and launch indigenous leaders back into their communities to influence and impact the next generation of leaders.



Founder/Executive Director - Marcus Bell Sr.

Developing leaders and a healthy community is not an idea or a vision for Marcus but rather a 30-year passion that has resulted in hundreds of indigenous leaders impacting their communities. Through his work at Urban Promise, he’s witnessed the power of caring adults in the lives of children and teens, bringing hope and lasting change to teens and emerging adults. Although times change, the need to feel loved, valued, and acknowledged doesn’t. 

Over the past decade, Marcus began to envision LeaderUP and, from the fruit of the past 30 years, LeaderUP would engage, identify, empower, and launch indigenous leaders who will not only be the “boots on the ground” but the foundation. We intentionally want to build a community of leaders who would be the successors. Seeking a full cultural representation in all disciplines creates a beautiful community where LeaderUP serves. With that mindset, LeaderUP is committed to diversity, from the Board of Directors to the full-time staff. LeaderUP seeks to be a vehicle reflective of a God who created diversity and desires leaders to reflect His design.

Raising The Next-Gen of Leadership

Sponsored by: Tonewood Brewing


JerseyJava & Tea

Keg & kitchen
